Quiet Courage: Discovering the Hidden Treasure of Vulnerability

Embracing vulnerability isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a powerful act of courage that allows us to connect deeply with others

We get taught not to cry and not to be weak. 
Not just the boys but also the girls. 
We have to be tough too to compete with the boys.

Contrary to popular belief, vulnerability isn’t a liability — it’s an essential strength that allows us to show up authentically, connect with others on a deeper level, and cultivate meaningful relationships.

This is not easy to apply when the world tells us not to be weak.

I kept stuff to myself to not get into a fight. When I’m emotionally upset, I tend to start crying. I didn’t like to look vulnerable.
Of course, a few weeks or months later, everything will come out at once, and I will have a crying session at home.

I suppressed my feelings. And my relationships weren’t as authentic and open as I wanted them to be.

Now I know that crying is a good thing. It means I have feelings, and I have a moral compass. I don’t like hurting people, so I’m crying.

A lot of movies make me cry. I get so focused on connecting with the characters.

My boyfriend always asks: “Why are you watching this if it makes you cry?”

Being empathic and feeling with others is a strength. 
I’m observing.
I’m feeling it with others.

Vulnerability is not a weakness. It’s a strength.

It shows you that you are human. You care.

You care about your life.

You care about the people.

You are strong enough to express your feelings, and fears and share intimate relationships.

Telling kids to be tough and not cry is one of the worst mindsets we give them. They will not be able to share their feelings.

Their future relationships will be superficial because they only share the good stuff and not everything about themselves.

They are suppressing themselves.

This is not how you want to live.

You need to be vulnerable to share an intimate relationship with someone. It’s essential for building trust and emotional growth.

The topic of emotional intelligence is trending at the moment. IQ is not as important anymore because AI and the internet know more, and are available to almost everyone.

What makes a good relationship and leader is EQ.

Being vulnerable is an important strength for leading people. At work or with your family doesn’t matter.

You need to be willing to:

  • admit mistakes,
  • ask for help and
  • show empathy

That’s how you build trust and show your authentic self.

People are willing to show their vulnerable side too, and grow emotionally.

A positive work environment is an important part of a successful business.

Be yourself

With every laugh and with every tear.

This is you.

If you are suppressing yourself, it will come out eventually.
And it can come out in the most inappropriate moments.

Find the relationships in which you can be who you are.
Authentically you.

I know we are scared of getting hurt. That’s life and love.

You will get hurt, but you lived.

You took a chance at love.

Love is the most precious thing you can have in life.

There will be times when you get hurt, but the feeling of love is worth it. Especially when they love the real you!

By being authentic, you will find the strength to confront challenges and learn from failures.

Relationships fail when people cannot communicate openly, when depth is missing, when you don’t feel heard, or when the ego is standing in the way.

I know guys struggle with being vulnerable and open.

Be an example and show the other person you are authentic, and they will be able to be open too.

The ego is standing in your way:

  • Admit mistakes!
  • Don’t be stubborn!
  • Say what’s bothering you!
  • Learn and grow from your mistakes and failures!
  • Fight and work for your successful relationship!

You don’t want to regret losing her because you didn’t fight!

The strength of introverts: being empathic

I feel you!

I’m an observing person. I see things most others don’t.

I feel with others.

For a long time, I thought it was a weakness because I had to hide my tears in the cinema.

But feeling with a character and crying during a movie is a strength. 
I allowed myself to feel. I’m not suppressing my feelings.

I’m not distracted. I’m living my life with all my feelings.

Feeling empathy is a great character trait for relationships and leadership.

I can feel you. I feel what you are going through.

It hurts me to see people hurt.

When I’m confronting challenges with other people, I’m always thinking about the other party too.

  • What could the reasons be?
  • Why are they doing it like that?
  • What happened to them?

And then the struggles will be less egocentric, and more about finding a solution together.


Vulnerability is not a weakness.

If you need to cry, cry!

It shows strength to be vulnerable.

Being authentic and open are key points of a good relationship and leader.

These days, we have to work on our EQ, instead of our IQ. Relationships with others will play an important role in the future when AI does the thinking and repetitive work.

Take it one step at a time, and open up bit by bit to people you feel comfortable with!

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(c) Karina Ahrer

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